About Us


Hi there! I’m Kim Lipe, and I’m so happy you’ve found us here at Fit Bodies 4 Life Nutrition!

Our Mission

Fit Bodies 4 Life Nutrition is dedicated to bringing the latest research based supplements to customers world wide.

Our goal is to seek and find the most cutting edge ingredients for our customers needs at the proper dosages, backed by science.

With so much confusion in the supplement and vitamin industry, it’s hard to find a company that you can trust.

When choosing ingredients, formulations; we go through a long process and seek out the best researchers, scientists, and manufacturers to make sure our supplements are of the highest quality.

Our mission is to be customer driven first.

My Story

I know how hectic life can be with a career and raising children.  As a mom, wife, and now grandma, I understand how hard it is to find time for yourself.  Once you have kids of your own there is an immediate assumption that you no longer have to take care of yourself.  Your job is to now take care of the children, right?  With how busy life can get, eating healthy and workout out often go by the way side. The next thing you know, you find yourself stuck in a body that you no longer recognize and you’re asking yourself, “where did that extra weight come from?” I felt this exact same way!

At the age of 45, I looked at a picture that I had taken with my family at Christmas and honestly was a bit shocked at what I saw.  In my younger years, I was always someone who could eat whatever I wanted and not gain a pound, but at the same time had hardly any muscle tone and was very lean.  As the years went on and I entered my 40’s, my body had changed and I was not happy with what I saw in the reflection of the mirror and in pictures of myself.

It was during January of 2008 that I decided to do something about it and not just go with the fact that once you hit your 40’s you are supposed to just gain weight and be out of shape.

I began working with a trainer and soon realized that cleaning up my diet was exactly what I needed to do in order to see results in the gym.  I began studying about nutrition and the proper foods for my body and learned how to read food labels.  I started healthier foods such as fresh vegetables, fruits, chicken, ground turkey, sweet potatoes.  I began taking some of our family’s favorite recipes and turning them into healthier options without compromising the enjoyable taste.

Eating healthy everyday and workout out is now a part of my lifestyle.  I’ve lost over 30 lbs and went from 30% body fat to 12% body fat within a few years time and commitment to the process.  Now at age 57, I am a personal trainer and nutrition coach.  I’ve also competed in over 16 Bikini and Figure competitions proving that it is never too late to start!

With such amazing results, I have inspired my family to also get into shape and change their eating habits to a healthier lifestyle.  I love seeing the results my family and my clients are having, and I truly love being a part of their health and fitness journeys.

I am now in the best shape of my life. 
My passion is helping, inspiring,
and encouraging women across the world to be the best they can be. 


I created Fit Bodies 4 Life as a digital online company that offers workout programs and nutrition plans available to you without location restrictions.  It is just like having a personal trainer and nutritionist right in your very own home!   Fit Bodies 4 Life Nutrition supplement line is the final piece to the puzzle!  Nutrition, Training and Supplementation will provide you with a complete transformation!

 No matter what stage of life you find yourself in, you can have a Fit Body 4 Life!


Live your Dreams!
